UniLight 16mm Pro Navigation Light, 4W - Red PRO16-040-RT
Profiled high-performance spotlight with 4W and very good beam angle through a special spreading cap. The luminaire is delivered as a ready assembled unit on an aluminium assembly plate and a changeable polycarbonate cap as covering. The luminaire is ready to use for 2S Lipo (ca. 8V) operation. With 3S (12V) operation, the enclosed resistor has to be used. Alternatively use a 4W-3S adapter cable.
Electricity: 4W reference power, 8(12)V, 0.35A
Beam angle: >160°
Light intensity: ~50 Lumen RED
Light intensity: ~70 Lumen RED
Light intensity: ~110 Lumen WHITE
Dimension base panel: 16x37mm
Overall dimension: 17x38x9mm
Weight: 4g (without cable)
Ready to use with 1m connection cable and series resistor for 2S, resistor for 3S enclosed