Xicoy Telemetry adapter for Spektrum. The Xicoy Telemetry adapter for Spektrum systems is designed to connect the telemetry data from the XICOY V10 and newer ecus (all that use a servo lead on data terminal connection) to Spektrum radios trough a TM1000 telemetry module.
Not compatible with DX6/DX7/DX8/TM1100
Plese Use only this lead.
SPMA9579 Spektrum X-Bus Extension 6 inch
Ecu's V6 and older (connector RJ45 8 pin) is not supported
Translates all relevant parameters (RPM. EGT, battery, Pump, Throttle and remaining fuel) from the ecu to the TX. "Status" and "Off Cond" not translated.
Check the user's manual: http://www.xicoy.com/downloads/Telemet1_1_en.pdf for detailed specifications on each transmitter system.
Please ask us for posible solutions on other radio brands.
Please see the examples below for other radio makes to show the possibilities of this system.
Videos- JETI:
Navigating trough the ecu menus from transmitter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l4brRHrA4c
Monitoring the engine startup: http://youtu.be/qIGKPseXbPA
Engine run, data logiing and displaying the data after a run: http://youtu.be/g7WJSvf3Lno
Video Futaba: http://youtu.be/IgSQDmXPUGQ
Xicoy Telemetry adapter for Spektrum.TeleSpek