Is a Synthetic resin paint. Specially developed to be used on SOLARFILM & SOLARSPAN.
Fuel-resistant, flexible and glossy. Quick drying. Sprays well, brushes like coloured dope. Colours match Solarfilm and can be mixed to match most other Solarfilm, Solarspan and SuperShrink Polyester colours.
The Paint leaflet has recipes for mixing Military, Camouflage and matt colours.
Solarlac is ideal for cowls, struts, engine bays, wheel parts and other parts that cannot be covered with an iron on covering.
Very good on Litespan, Solartex, Fibafilm and Glosstex, car-primer, doped surfaces or clearcoated surfaces.
Use the colours to match any areas not covered by Solarfilm/Solartex and to add trim or use them to colour the whole model when this has been covered in a neutral base material.