Fire Tube Extinguisher 100cm Fire-Eater
FireStop tube FE-25
This tube can save your model, turbine & electronics!!!
The tube should be placed in the fuselage, not next to the motor or exhaust pipe, as a temperature of around 100°C will cause it to activate. The tube can be attached using tie wraps, servo tape or epoxy, whichever is convenient, but NOT HOT MELT ADHESIVE. It should be placed high in the top of the fuselage. The system works by making the air in the fuselage inert. The 1 meter folded tube will protect a fuselage with a volume of approx. 60 liters, and an O.5 meter will protect a fuselage with a volume of approx. 30 litres. If the aircraft has large air intakes, it may be advisable to go to the 1 meter folded tube, which wills inert approx. 60 liters, because of the losses through the air intakes etc. and the airflow. Filled with DuPont? FE-25?. FIRE EXTINGUISHING AGENT